Decodis Products
Decodis | Custom Research
Decodis specializes in using our technology to design customized approaches to listen and understand people in new ways. We are constantly creating new techniques, approaches, and technology to reveal unstated emotions, views and perceptions from any population in unique ways.
Gates Foundation, CGAP, PayPal, Visa, Fundación Capital
Decodis | Diaries
It is just important to track the deliberations people have in their mind as well as their behavior. With Decodis Diaries, we track money management, health, job-seeking behavior and more, as well as evolving thoughts and perspectives over time. The result is deeper insights into how different populations consider their actions even before they make them.
The Bank of Ghana, CGAP, BlackRock Foundation, Fundación Capital, Interamerican Development Bank, Commonwealth
Decodis | Emotion-driven Personas
Decodis’ Emotion-driven Personas segment individuals based on invisible characteristics such as emotions and views, as well as sociodemographic characteristics. These rich personas enable the creation of tailored offerings and programs that effectively meet the unique needs and preferences.
Gates Foundation, Omidyar Network India
Decodis | Engage
Decodis Engage is our tool for community consultation for U.S. infrastructure, transportation and municipal development projects as well as related environmental impact assessment. The tool rapidly and efficiently captures and analyzes the perspective of community members who will be affected. It overcomes hurdles of time, access, costs, language and other constraints, enabling more robust participation and input. Decodis Engage uses our advanced AI voice analytics to uncover the nuanced and deep insights that are critical to prioritize investments, obtain consensus and build successful projects.
In partnership with JCA (
JCA Strategic Solutions
Decodis | Focused Listening
Decodis Focused Listening provides the ability to get deeper insights from focus groups and stakeholder meetings, capturing data at an individual level in a group setting. We use a recording and transcription method which allows for speaker separation, ensuring that individual perceptions are captured, giving us a clearer picture of different views in a group.
Decodis | Impact Measurement & Market Fit
Decodis believes that traditional impact measurement is missing an opportunity to align customer impact with customer market fit. We use our deep listening technology to understand the nuances of customers’ impact experiences, which then powers strategic analytics such as segmentation, sensitivity analysis, and Return on Investment (ROI). A people-centric approach, it ensures that offerings resonate with and align to customers' perspectives of impact and embeds loyalty.
Omidyar Network India, Talanton
Decodis | Listening Lab
Businesses, government, employers, and other stakeholders often want to ask their own questions of their customers and constituents, rather than having a researcher as an intermediary. However, they often lack direct access to large numbers of customers, especially those that are difficult to reach. A Decodis Listening Lab provides the ongoing opportunity to ask one’s own questions that Decodis then swiftly collects and analyzes using our proprietary text and voice analytics.